Your Home = Your Success Partner

If you’re like many of us, “get organized” is on your To Do list, often as a recurring priority. Some of us periodically work hard to get everything put “away.” Some hire a professional organizer. Many professional organizers believe that if they can help you put items where they go, then they are doing a good job.  

But GREAT professional organizers work differently.  How? They work from a secret formula that takes you and your mindset from mess to success. Here’s the mindset shift you’ll want to make before (or while) organizing your home and workspace:

Organizing = Developing Empowering, Sustainable Relationships

Let’s unpack this formula and its ability to create big changes QUICKLY.

First, update the way you experience “organizing.” Organizing isn’t an out-of-sight, out-of-mind mentality. It's all about developing your personal relationship with your rooms—and the items they contain. 

Second, deliberately decide the function you want each room to fulfill for you. Ponder how each space can truly support you in achieving what you prefer in your life, your relationships, your career. Having a set purpose for each space more fully empowers you to be deliberate, to fulfill your purpose while you are in those spaces.

Third, begin to think of “organizing” as the process of creating and maintaining a sustainable relationship with each room in your home and workspace. Organizing is setting up systems in each area that will function effective for the purpose you have chosen. Organizing is also the ongoing process of maintaining those systems over time. Not only is your home easier to maintain, but you have developed a sustainable relationship with each room that will serve your higher purpose.

When you organize your rooms in a sustainable, empowering way, something life-changing starts to occur: Your home and workspace become your success partners!

What is a Success Partner? 

You may not have heard the term “success partner” before today, but I’ll bet you can intuit its meaning. We’ve all had teachers, bosses, and colleagues who’ve partnered with us and helped us achieve success. We wouldn’t be where we are in life today without the mentoring and support our success partners gave us.

Experience tells us that the best success partners don’t try to be perfect. They do show up fully in support of your goals. They bring all their gifts, skills, and abilities to the table. When you’re one-on-one, a success partner has an honest, transparent, vulnerable, willing-to-share manner about them. 

In other words, a success partner is someone who shows up fully, and moves toward mastery, one step at a time, helping others along the way.  Whether we know it or not, the rooms in which we live and work can partner with us in much the same way.

We know that nature is alive and intelligent… but somehow when we enclose nature inside a home, it suddenly becomes dead to us. We treat our space like a “thing.” 

But the space inside our home is not dead. Our home is not a “thing."

Your home is alive and intelligent, whether you connect with it at that level or not. It offers you its gifts of shelter, safety, structure, light and storage for the things you need and want. Its spaces open you to the possibility for patterns, textures, colors and furnishings that nourish your spirit. From our collaboration with our home, we can develop a template for our dwelling, within which we can create success.

Does Your Home As A Success Partner Change Your Outcomes?

Take a moment to reflect on what might be different for you if you thought about your home differently now and in the future.

  • What if you knew that your home and workspace wants to be your success partner? 

  • What if each room longs to support your goals, to serve you in all the ways possible? 

  • What if your rooms are considered successful ONLY IF they are set up to serve your success?

How do you feel about the idea of your home as a success partner to help you get organized?

Each year, from January to April, I t facilitate a course that helps participants create the home and workspace of their dreams. If “get organized” is on your To Do list, please stay tuned. We’ll be enrolling my Shine On 2024: Create Sparkle and Sanctuary at Home and Work soon, and I’d love to have you join us!

Melody LeBaron